People who are "Optimally Well" feel good about themselves, their relationships, and their purpose in life. They are empowered to take their lives to higher levels of excellence!

MASALA Wellness Dimensions

Wellness is not merely the absence of illness or distress it is a full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is a complex interaction that leads to quality of life. It is a lifelong process of making decisions that support a more balanced life to maximize your potential.
Extensive research suggests that individuals should do the following in order to experience Wellness:
Valuing Self: This includes valuing and appreciating yourself; having healthy emotional, cognitive, and physical habits; and engaging in meaningful and rewarding activities.
Find Balance and Purpose: This includes having a sense of balance, meaning, and purpose in life; having meaningful spiritual beliefs and practices; and being able to adapt to change and cope successfully with adversity.
Connect with Others: This includes having compassion for others; identifying with a community; and having meaningful, rewarding, and supportive relationships​.